Owner Privileges
The following privileges are extended to all RISA listed owners with a runner at any WTC meetings:
- A listed owner is allocated 2 complimentary racecourse admissions one for themselves and one for a guest. (Maximum 20 in total per horse)
- For access to the Members Lounge or Mounting Yard, please see Secretary on race day for passes
- 1 x Racebook per listed owner with a maximum of 10 per Runner. Subject to availability
* Our gate attendant/s will have a list of Owners and syndicates from RISA on race days. To gain these privileges you will need to have photo ID.
* Winning Owners are invited to the David & Margot Cory Members Lounge to celebrate their winning success. They will receive a complimentary beverage and a DVD copy of the race so they can take this home and enjoy the win again.
Pre race discussion jockeys and owners
Owners wishing to attend the Mounting Yard or Birdcage must be present inside the fenced area before the first horse enters the Mounting Yard or Birdcage - the first horse generally enters about 15 minutes prior to race time
post race discussion jockeys and owners
First to fifth – in the areas behind the barrier fencing of the place getter stalls
Fifth to last – in the Mounting Yard or Birdcage outside the Jockeys rooms entry
NB - only the Jockey and Trainer are permitted in the Horse Movement Area
The following dress code applies in the Members Area and Saddling Enclosure:
- Joggers, thongs, work boots and board shorts are not permitted in the David & Margot Cory Members Lounge
- Denim is acceptable provided the overall appearance is smart, neat and clean
- Ladies - neat clothing in keeping with dignity of the Members Lounge – no bare midriffs or playsuits
- Shoes are to be worn at all times around the venue
Owners are permitted to watch the race from the Mounting Yard or Birdcage but must vacate immediately when the horses pass the finish post.